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21-23 May 2025, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Learn the latest case studies on data & analytics management techniques to build a truly data-driven organisation at the World Data Summit. We will help you find answers on:

  • Data Governance in an Agile Environment
  • Data Literacy and Leadership: How to Create Frictionless Data Literacy for Business
  • Privacy, Ethics and Data in a Global Context
  • Applications of ML in Improving Customer Experience
  • Success Factors for Data Warehouse Automation
  • Laying the Foundations for a Kappa Architecture
  • Full Open Source and Free Data Centric Distribution

and more…

Download the event brochure here ➡️ ➡️ ➡️

World Data Summit is organised by GIA Global Group s.r.o. registered in Czechia on the following address Karlovo náměstí 317/5, Nové Město (Praha 2), 120 00, Prague, under the following ID number 06437770

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